Producing History in Spanish Civil War Exhumations. From the Archive to the Grave, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017.
Editing of collective volumes or special issues in peer-reviewed journals
"Reflexiones en torno a La muerte del verdugo", Debate, Hispanic Issues Online, n° 9, 2019 (ed. with Sévane Garibian and Ana Forcinito).
Peer-reviewed articles
"Recomponer la identidad familiar de las víctimas del franquismo más allá de la fosa común", Huarte de San Juan. Geografía e Historia, no 28, 2021, pp. 121-142.
"The development of guiding principles for the proper management of the dead in humanitarian emergencies and help in preventing their becoming missing persons: First Expert's Meeting: Geneva, 30 November–1 December 2018, University of Geneva Law Faculty, Swiss National Science Foundation, Right to Truth, Truth(s) through Rights project, and the ICRC Missing Persons Project, with the participation of the University of Milan Medico-Legal Institute, Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense, and the International Organization for Standardization", conference report coordinated by Sévane Garibian and Morris Tidball-Binz, International Review of the Red Cross, vol. 101, n° 912, 2019, pp. 1213-1229 (co-authored with Marion Vironda Dubray and Adriana Schnyder).
"Introducción: reflexiones en torno a La muerte del verdugo", Debate, Hispanic Issues Online, n° 9, 2019, pp. 1-9 (co-author with Sévane Garibian and Ana Forcinito).
"Resisting Disappearance", Anthropology Now, vol. 10, n° 2, 2018, pp. 78-97.
"Confronting a History of War Loss in a Spanish Family Archive", History and Anthropology, vol. 28, n° 2, 2017, pp. 211-234.
"Negotiating Identity: Reburial and Commemoration of the Civil War Dead in Southwestern Spain", Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 1, n° 2, 2015, pp. 5-20.
"Traces of the Past: Working with Archaeology as Ethnographic Object", Goldsmiths Anthropology Research Papers (GARP), n° 18, 2013, pp. 1-14.
Contributions to collective books
"Truth, Justice and Impunity in Post-Franco Spain", in Sévane Garibian ed., Right to Truth, Truth(s) Through Rights (Provisional title), collective book resulting from the SNSF program "Right to Truth, Truth(s) through Rights: Mass Crimes Impunity and Transitional Justice" (under preparation).
"Epistemic Encounters amidst Impunity: Forensic Investigations of Mass Crimes in Post-Franco Spain", in Liliana Gómez-Popescu ed., Performing Human Rights. Contested Amnesia and Historical Justice in Latin America and the Middle East, Diaphanes, Chicago, 2021.
"Thinking Evidentiary Artefacts beyond Criminal Investigation: Scientific Renderings of Francoist Violence in Contemporary Extremadura", in Michel Porret and Vincent Fontana eds., Pièces à conviction. Pour une épistémologie de la matérialité policière et judiciaire (XVe-XXIe siècle), Georg, Geneva, forthcoming 2021.
from Below: The Case of Post-Franco Spain" (working title), in Claire Garbett and Sari Wastell eds., Transitional
Justice beyond Blueprints: Ethnographies and Case-Studies (working
title), Routledge, Oxon and New York, forthcoming 2021.
"Objetos personales: exhumaciones, memoria y antropología visual", in Beatriz Nates Cruz ed., Memoria y Territorio, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, Bogotá, 2017, pp. 103-122 (co-author Jorge Moreno Andrés).
Other scientific contributions
"Time and Tempo in Exhumation (Re)Search", Tenses: New Graduate Writing, n° 1, 2014, pp. 3-8.
Book reviews
the Lives and Deaths of Perpetrators: Testimonies, Corpses and the Law", International
Journal of Transitional Justice, vol. 11, n° 3, 2017, pp. 545–554.