Vanessa VUILLE
Intern (winter 2017-18)
University of Geneva
Faculty of Law
Département de droit pénal
Office 3029
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Geneva 4
Vanessa Vuille holds a Bachelor degree in the Arts of International Relations and a Certificate in Transnational Law from the University of Geneva (UNIGE). She also holds a bilingual Master of Laws from the Universities of Geneva and Basel. During her studies, she took part in the International Humanitarian Law Jean-Pictet Competition (2016) and in the European Human Rights Law René Cassin Competition (2017). Her master thesis on Swiss weapon exports received the Best Master Papers Award (Law Faculty, UNIGE) in 2017. She currently works as a research assistant at the Art-Law Centre of UNIGE (UNESCO Chair) and will pursue her education at the Ecole d'avocature, of the same University. She is particularly interested in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law and International Cultural Heritage Law.