Research project "The Violence Prevention Initiative” (VIPRE), led by Jonathan Luke Austin, Riccardo Bocco, Keith Krause and Anna Leander (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva) and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF 2016-2020).
Research project "Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspective" (MELA), led by Eric Heinze (Queen Mary University of London) and funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA, 2016-2019) |
Research project "Subtierro : Exhumaciones de fosas comunes y derechos humanos en perspectiva histórica, transnacionaly comparada" led by Francisco Ferrándiz (Spanish National Research Council) and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, 2016-2018) |
Research project "Corpses of Mass Violence and Genocide" led by Elisabeth Anstett (EHESS / CNRS, Paris) and Jean-Marc Dreyfus
(University of Manchester), and funded by the European Research Council
(ERC Starting Grant, 2012-2016)
Research team "Damoclès" led by Michel Porret (University of Geneva)