6th Annual Conference of the Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network, 1 - 3 december 2016
Sévane Garibian, Zahira Aragüete-Toribio
Presentations of Sévane Garibian and Zahira Aragüete-Toribio, in the panel on "Truth Seeking in Persistent Contexts of Impunity" (co-organizers and speakers), at the 6th Annual Conference of the Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network entitled "Confronting Violent Pasts and Historical (In)Justice".
The panel was chaired by Ihab Saloul (University of Amsterdam) and included two other speakers : Laura Munoz-Encinar (University of Extremadura) and Iosif Kovras (City University London).

© Marion Vironda Dubray