Université de Genève
Faculté de droit
Bureau 5005
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Genève 4
Contributions à un ouvrage collectif
"Organisation des Nations Unies" (co-auteure Michelle Cottier), in Isabelle Poutrin et Élisabeth Lusset (dir.), Dictionnaire du fouet et de la fessée. Corriger et punir, Puf, Paris, 2022.
"Conseil de l'Europe" (co-auteure Michelle Cottier), in Isabelle Poutrin et Élisabeth Lusset (dir.), Dictionnaire du fouet et de la fessée. Corriger et punir, Puf, Paris, 2022.
Article dans revue à comité de lecture (peer-review)
"The development of guiding principles for the proper management of the dead in humanitarian emergencies and help in preventing their becoming missing persons: First Expert's Meeting: Geneva, 30 November–1 December 2018, University of Geneva Law Faculty, Swiss National Science Foundation, Right to Truth, Truth(s) through Rights project, and the ICRC Missing Persons Project, with the participation of the University of Milan Medico-Legal Institute, Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense, and the International Organization for Standardization", conference report coordinated by Sévane Garibian and Morris Tidball-Binz, International Review of the Red Cross, vol. 101, n° 912, 2019, pp. 1213-1229 (co-authored with Zahira Aragüete-Toribio and Marion Vironda Dubray).