Doctoral Researcher
University of Geneva
Faculty of Law
Office 5005
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Genève 4
Adriana Schnyder holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), as well as a Bilingual Master of Laws from the Law Faculties of the Universities of Basel and Geneva. She also holds the Certificate in Transnational Law from UNIGE and the Certificate of Advanced Studies in legal professions from the Ecole d'avocature of Geneva. During her studies, she spent one year as an exchange student at the University of Vienna, Austria, and one semester at the University of Basel. Wishing to improve her knowledge of Comparative Law, she interned at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne (2014-2015), where she participated in drafting several comparative studies and legal opinions. Since 2016, she has worked as an associate and assistant researcher at the Centre d'étude, de technique et d'évaluation législatives (CETEL) of UNIGE. During the spring semester 2020, she will assist Sévane Garibian in the supervision of bachelor students' legal research works as part of the course Droit pénal international, crimes internationaux et justice transitionnelle.
Her interest in the history of South America, as well as her interest in International Relations, Criminal International Law and Comparative Law encouraged her to pursue her research in the field of Transitional Justice. As an associate doctoral researcher in this project, she prepares her doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Sévane Garibian. She works on the obligation of states to prosecute mass crimes within the Inter-American Human Rights System (case studies: Uruguay and Salvador).
Adriana Schnyder is a recipient of the Subside Tremplin (Tremplin Grant) 2021. This program of the Service égalité & diversité of UNIGE aims at supporting female researchers of the University who wish to pursue an academic career.