Laetitia RIENZO
Research Assistant
University of Geneva
Faculty of Law
Département de droit pénal
Office 3029
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Genève 4
Laetitia Rienzo holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva (UNIGE). In 2016, she obtained the Schellenberg Wittmer Price for the best Bachelor. She is currently preparing her Master in International and European Law at UNIGE. She is especially passionate about Human Rights Law and European Union Law, two fields that she wants to keep exploring in her future academic curriculum. She has been selected as a member of the Geneva team participating in the 2017 edition of the European Law Moot Court competition. After obtaining her Master’s degree, she plans to complete the Ecole d’avocature at UNIGE in 2019. She will be a trainee lawyer at Lenz & Staehelin, starting 2020.
In 2018, Laetitia Rienzo received the Atlanta Faure Prize and conducted a study abroad semester in Berlin (autumn 2018).