Intern (winter 2018-19)
University of Geneva
Faculty of Law
Département de droit pénal
Office 3029
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40
CH-1211 Geneva 4
Aurore Peirolo holds a Bachelor degree in the Arts of International Relations at the Global Studies Institute of Geneva (interdisciplinary program, Law distinction) and a Master in Law at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), where she also participates in the Law Clinic on young unaccompanied migrants. In 2017, she studied one semester as an exchange student at the University of Sydney, before completing an internship at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia in spring 2018. She then completed one semester as an exchange student at the Law Faculty of the University of Utrecht during spring 2019, and was an academic intern at the Federal administrative tribunal during fall semester 2019. She is particularly interested in International Criminal Law, International Public Law, Criminal Law and Migration Law.
During the spring semester 2020, she will assist Sévane Garibian in the Criminal Law Department of UNIGE, for her course "Droit pénal international, crimes internationaux et justice transitionnelle" and the Master's Seminar "Droit pénal international et responsabilisation des Etats : questions d'actualité". She will prepare simultaneously, the Ecole d'avocature of UNIGE.